What Acrylic Paint is Best? – Comparing 50 Acrylic Paints – The Ultimate Acrylic Paint Guide

Which acrylic paint is best? I hope to answer that question and more in this article and video!

Click on any of the names to jump to their section on this page. You will also notice the time-stamp for when I talk about them in the video above.

Apple Barrel Craft Acrylic
DecoArt Craft Paint
Meeden Acrylics
Mont Marte
Sargent Art Acrylics
Chromacryl Student Acrylics
Colours Art Acrylic
Dacryl Kolegial Acrylic
Dacryl Professional Acrylic
Liquitex Basics
Liquitex Basics Fluid
Artist’s Loft Level 1
Artist’s Loft Soft Body
Art Noise
Artist’s Loft Level 2
Winsor and Newton Galeria
Grumbacher Academy
Rosa Gallery Acrylic
Sennelier Abstract
Artist’s Loft Level 3
Masterclass Artists Acrylic
Amsterdam Standard Series
Golden SoFlat
Golden Open
Golden Heavy Body
Liquitex Heavy Body
Winsor and Newton Professional
Old Holland New Masters Acrylic
Holbein Heavy Body
Tri-Art High Viscosity
Tri-Art Liquids
Liquitex Soft Body
Golden Fluid
Golden High Flow
Tri-Art Low Viscosity

The Ultimate Acrylic Paint Comparison – 50 Acrylic Paints – Which Acrylic Paint Is Best?

Choosing what acrylic paint to use can be very difficult. If your local art store is anything like mine, there are racks of different kinds of paint. Though many things can play into what paint you decide to use, my hope with this article and video is to help you decide what acrylic paint is best for you.

Before you get too far into this article, I want to say a few things:

First, when reviewing these paints, I’m giving my personal opinion. If you don’t agree with me, that’s okay. Leave a comment and share your experiences to also help other artists.

Second, I know just testing Titanium White from each of these brands isn’t the most ideal test. However, it was way too expensive to order multiple colours from each brand and Titanium White is a common colour for most artists to have and one that they use quite often. When I was first learning to paint, many artists that I was learning from always said to splurge on Titanium White as a poor quality one will drag you down.

Third and almost most importantly, the best acrylic paint for you is what works best for you at that moment. There are so many factors that play into what acrylic paint is actually best. These include the usual things that affect the quality of the paint such as pigment load, lightfastness, extender load, viscosity, etc. However, we need to consider other things as well, such as price, needs for the artwork, location of the artist, and more.

Living in Alberta, Canada, some acrylic paint brands are much easier to get than others. This will affect what acrylic paint is best for me. Another artist in the U.K. might have other acrylic paint brands available to them so they might be choosing a different brand solely for that reason.

In this article and video, I will be physically reviewing 41 paint brands and mentioning 9 other common ones. These will be from countries all across the world. I hope that you will find something that works for you!

Acrylic Paint Price Comparison

Here is a table comparing the prices of all 50 acrylic paint brands that I’m looking at in this article. They are sorted by price per ml according to the most common size. Often the larger sizes are cheaper but are only offered in a few colours. Paints that are the same price are not in any particular order.

You can click on any of the names to jump to their section in the article.

NameAmount in MillilitresAmount in OuncesPrice (CAD)Price Per Millilitre (CAD)Origin
Artists’ Loft Soft Body946 ml32 oz$12.99$0.01China
DecoArt Craft Paint118 ml4 oz$1.25$0.01China
Meeden Acrylics2000 ml0.5 Gallons$36.95$0.02China
Apple Barrel Craft Acrylic59 ml
236 ml
2 oz
8 oz
Nicpro 500 ml
2000 ml
16.9 oz
0.5 Gallons
Mont Marte500 ml
2000 ml
16.9 oz
0.5 Gallons
Dacryl Kolegial Acrylic237 ml8 oz$9.99$0.04Canada
Utrecht Studio Series237 ml
473 ml
946 ml
8 oz
16 oz
32 oz
Sargent Art Acrylics250 ml
500 ml
2000 ml
8.45 oz
16.9 oz
0.5 Gallons
Pennsylvania, USA
Artist’s Loft Level 1120 ml  
250 ml
4.06 oz  
8.5 oz
Liquitex Basics118 ml  
250 ml  
400 ml 
946 ml
4 oz  
8.5 oz  
13.53 oz 
32 oz
France / China
Chromacryl Student Acrylics75 ml
475 ml
2000 ml
2.5 oz
16.9 oz
0.5 Gallons
USA / Australia
Blick Studio120 ml
237 ml
473 ml
4 oz
8 oz
16 oz
Dacryl Professional Acrylic250 ml8.45 oz$14.99$0.06Canada
Art Noise120 ml
250 ml
500 ml
1000 ml
2000 ml
4 oz
8.45 oz
16.9 oz
33.4 oz
0.5 Gal.
Liquitex Basics Fluid118 ml
250 ml
4 oz
8.45 oz
France / China
Pebeo100 ml 
250 ml
3.38 oz 
8.45 oz
Artist’s Loft Level 275 ml 
200 ml
2.54 oz 
6.76 oz
Sennelier Abstract Heavy Body Acrylic120 ml
500 ml
4 oz
16.9 oz
Artecho120 ml4 ozFrom: 
Arteza120 ml
250 ml
500 ml
1000 ml
4 oz
8.45 oz
16.9 oz
33.8 oz
$10.99 – $13.99
$13.99 – $17.99
$0.09 – $0.12
$0.06 – $0.07
China / Korea
Colours Art Acrylic60 ml
250 ml
500 ml
2 oz
8.45 oz
16.9 oz
Chroma Atelier Interactive Arts80 ml
250 ml
2.7 oz
8.5 oz
USA / Australia
Rosa Gallery Acrylic60 ml2 oz$7.00$0.12Ukraine
Rheotech60 ml
150 ml
250 ml
500 ml
1000 ml
2 oz
5.06 oz
8.45 oz
16.9 oz
33.4 oz
Winsor and Newton Galeria60 ml  
200 ml 
250 ml
2 oz 
6.75 oz 
8.4 oz
Grumbacher Academy90 ml  
150 ml
3 oz  
5.07 oz
Stevenson60 ml 
250 ml
2 oz 
8.4 oz
Blick Artists’59 ml
138 ml
237 ml
2 oz
4.65 oz
8 oz
Utrecht Artists’59 ml
150 ml
473 ml
2 oz
5 oz
16 oz
Sennelier Extra-Fine Artist Acrylics60 ml2 ozFrom: 
Artist’s Loft Level 359 ml 
148 ml
2 oz 
5 oz
Tri-Art Liquids60 ml
120 ml
250 ml
500 ml
1000 ml
2 oz
4 oz
8.45 oz
16.9 oz
33.4 oz
Masterclass Artists Acrylic46 ml1.5 oz$7.99$0.17Russia
Liquitex Soft Body60 ml2 oz$9.99$0.17France / China
Holbein Heavy Body60 ml
330 ml
2 oz
11.1 oz
$11 +
Tri-Art High Viscosity60 ml
250 ml
500 ml
1000 ml
2 oz
8.45 oz
16.9 oz
33.4 oz
Winsor and Newton Professional60 ml2 oz$12.29$0.20France
Liquitex Heavy Body59 ml 
138 ml
2 oz 
4.65 oz
France / China
Golden Heavy Body59 ml
148 ml
2 oz  
5 oz
New York
Amsterdam Standard Series20 ml
120 ml
0.7 oz
4 oz
$11.50 – $14.50
$0.10 – $0.12
Golden Open59 ml2 oz$13.50$0.23New York
Golden SoFlat59 ml2 oz$13.99 – $31.99$0.24 – $0.54New York
M. Graham Acrylics59 ml
150 ml
2 oz
5 oz
Oregon, USA
Tri-Art Low Viscosity34 ml1.2 ozFrom: 
Old Holland New Masters Acrylic60 ml2 ozFrom: 
Schmincke Primacryl Finest Artists’ Acrylics60 ml2 ozFrom: 
Golden High Flow30 ml1 oz$9.99-$15.99$0.33 – $0.53New York
Golden Fluid30 ml
118 ml
1 oz
4 oz
$10.99 – $17.50
$25.99 – $45.99
$0.37 –  $0.58
$0.22 – $0.39
New York
Lascaux Artist Acrylics45 ml
750 ml
1.5 oz
25 oz

Acrylic Paints Physically Tested

DecoArt Craft Paint118 ml4 oz$1.25$0.01China
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
FluidGoodLowSatinStudent – Okay

The craft paint is pretty much what you would expect. It is very thin coming out of the tube andiIt isn’t a nice thin either. This paint feels very watery when on the brush.

Its transparency was better than I expected it to be. This might have been caused by the amount that I put onto the canvas, but it still surprised me.

The tinting power of this paint wasn’t terrible but it still is not as good as many others.

We just used white for this experiment, but I do have experience using other colours of craft paint as well. Many of them are not as vibrant as artist paint brands once dry. You can see in the example below a comparison of these two paintings. 

On the left is Craft Paint and on the right is Liquitex Basics.

Also, craft paint can crack much more easily when dry compared to higher-level paint.

Overall, it is almost tied for being the cheapest alongside Artist’s Loft Soft Body Acrylic Paint. Even though Artist’s Loft gets a bad rap at times, I would choose it over this type of paint every time.

DecoArt does have a variety of products that you can check out on their website: https://shop.decoart.com

Apple Barrel Craft Acrylic59 ml
236 ml
2 oz
8 oz
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
FluidBetterLowMatteStudent – Okay

Artist’s Loft Soft Body946 ml32 oz$12.99$0.01China
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
Soft BodyGoodMediumSatinStudent – Better

Artist’s Loft Soft Body Acrylic Paint is great for educational and classroom use. They are quite fluid but seem similar in pigment concentration to the other Artist’s Loft Basics paint. I have also used this in my art classroom alongside Sargent Acrylics for a couple of years and have been pleased with Artist’s Loft Soft Body. The colours are vibrant and great for learning. I would recommend Artist’s Loft Soft Body over any other bulk acrylic paint for learning in the classroom.

Comes in 7 colours and can be purchased from the following places:

Meeden Acrylics2000 ml0.5 Gallons$36.95$0.02China
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
Heavy Body/Possibly thinner in bigger bottlesOkayMediumSatinStudent – Okay

I sampled a small tube of Meeden paint though they do have large bottles as well. It was surprisingly thick but I believe in the bigger bottles it would be thinner. It did fairly well with the mixing test and opacity was okay.

11 different colours in the 2L format. 100 colours in smaller tubes. This includes 76 regular acrylic paints, 16 metallics, and 8 fluorescents.

Meeden is very new in the paint industry having been founded in 2015. They are based in China.

There are smaller tubes but they all come in sets.

Check out their website here: https://meedenart.com/?sca_ref=4486141.rKxtE91zUj

Nicpro 500 ml
2000 ml
16.9 oz
0.5 Gallons
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
FluidPoorVery LowSatinStudent – Very Poor

If you already watched the video, you’ll already know what I’m about to say. The transparency test was very bad compared to others in its class. The mixing power was not great either. I would recommend other big-bottle/classroom-grade paints over this one.

This paint only comes in sets:

You can find them on various Amazon sites:

Mont Marte500 ml
2000 ml
16.9 oz0.5 Gallons$17.99
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
Soft BodyOkayLowSatinStudent – Good

An Amazon special, Mont Marte is perfect for students and artists alike. It comes in multiple sizes and all of the basic colours. It did fairly well in the transparency test and okay in the mixing power. For a student-grade/big-bottle paint, I would also recommend this for classrooms.

Size and Prices:

There are various paint sets that they have available. Here are some sample prices of single paints and sizes.

500 ml (16.9 oz) = $17.99

2 Liter (0.5 Gallons) = $32.95

Artecho120 ml4 ozFrom: $9.99From $0.08China
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
Soft/Medium BodyOkayLowSatinStudent – Good

Artecho acrylic paint is an okay paint. On the bottle,d you can see it has great lightfastness and it says opaque. However, at the price point that it is, I would recommend other paints over it. Liquitex Basics and Sennelier Abstract are two paints that I would get over Artecho in a heartbeat.

Available in over 25 colours, Artecho acrylic paints are mainly found on Amazon:

Arteza120 ml
250 ml
500 ml
1000 ml
4 oz
8.45 oz
16.9 oz
33.8 oz
$10.99 – $13.99
$13.99 – $17.99
$0.09 – $0.12
$0.06 – $0.07
China / Korea
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
Soft/Medium BodyGoodLowGlossStudent – Good

Sargent Art Acrylics250 ml
500 ml
2000 ml
8.45 oz
16.9 oz
0.5 Gallons
Pennsylvania, USA
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
Soft BodyPoorLowSatinStudent – Okay

Sargent Art was founded in 1930 and is based in Pennsylvania, United States. They specialize in paint for educational purposes. 

I have used them in my art classroom for a few years and find them to be good for learning purposes. They are a little more fluid-like so aren’t great for painting texture, etc. However, they mix great and are good for students as they come in large quantities. 

When doing a direct comparison to other similar paints in this test, I found Sargent Art paints to not be as high of quality. It was more transparent than others and had a weaker mixing power. I would recommend Artist’s Loft Soft Body over Sargent Art.

Here is a link to their website: https://sargentart.com

Chromacryl Student Acrylics75 ml
475 ml
2000 ml
2.5 oz
16.9 oz
0.5 Gallons
USA / Australia
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
Soft/MediumOkayMediumSatinStudent – Good

Based in the United States. Chroma Acrylics was started by a High School Art teacher back in the 1960’s. A passion for quality student paint is what started Jim Cobb’s journey. Available in 30 colours and three different sizes.

I found Chromacryl to be a nice paint to work with. The paint flowed nicely and it rivaled every other student-level paint that I tested. This paint is also very budget-friendly, especially the larger sizes.

I would recommend this paint for students, new artists, and for practicing.

Chromacryl acrylic paint is available in various art stores across many countries. You can do a search on their website to see if a store near you carries their products.

Here is a link to their website: https://chromaonline.com

Colours Artist’s Acrylic60 ml
250 ml
500 ml
2 oz
8.45 oz
16.9 oz
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
Soft/MediumGoodMediumSatinStudent – Best

Colours is a Canadian-made acrylic paint that boasts high quality for a reasonable price. These paints are made with artist-quality materials but with a reduced pigment load compared to traditional artist paint. This differs from student-grade paint which has a reduced pigment load as well as the use of extender pigments and low-cost polymers.

I quite enjoyed the results of Colours Acrylic Paint. Their larger-sized paints are quite affordable which I would recommend.

Available in 34 colours.

You can find them here: https://www.artistsupplies.com/triart-manufacturing-colours-artists-acrylic.html

Dacryl Kolegial Acrylic237 ml8 oz$9.99$0.04Canada
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
Ultra Heavy BodyBetterLowSatinStudent – Better

Dacryl Kolegial Acrylic paint is a Canadian-made high-viscosity paint. They claim it is an excellent choice for both students and artists. 32 colours. Comes in one size, the jar you see above.

If you watched the video, you’ll see how shocked I was at how thick this paint is. Holding the jar upside down and nothing even budged on the inside. The transparency test was pretty good but I did expect a little more from the tinting power test. I think it shows that there are some additives in it which make the paint so thick and weaken its pigment load. However, it was fun to work with and I can see the benefits of working with something so thick to create some amazing textures.

I would recommend this paint if you want to have some fun with texture but don’t want to add a lot of your own mediums/gels.

Available through DeSerres website: https://www.deserres.ca/products/dacryl-kolegial-acrylic?colour=multicolor

Liquitex Basics Fluid118 ml
250 ml
4 oz
8.45 oz
France / China
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
FluidOkayMediumSatinStudent – Better

I will introduce Liquitex here as it is the first one on the list but I won’t again for each of the other Liquitex paints tested in this article. Liquitex started in 1955 and was the first to create an acrylic gesso and the world’s first water-based heavy-body acrylic paint. They haven’t looked back and have been creating quality paints and products for the past seventy years. Read their full story here: https://www.liquitex.com/en-ca/pages/our-story-since-1955

Liquitex Basics Fluid paints are made with the same pigments as the Liquitex Basics Acrylic Color, Liquitex Basics Acrylic Fluid offers a permanent, water-resistant finish with a more flowing consistency. It has a satin finish when dry.

Liquitex Basics are some of my favourite more cost-effective paints. These fluid basics resemble the Liquitex Basics Acrylic Paint but just a different consistency. All Liquitex Basics have the same lightfastness as their professional line. They have a lower pigment load than the professional line but are still a quality paint. These paints are vibrant and don’t fade over time.

These come in 48 different colours in their 118 ml (4 oz.) bottles and 12 colours in their 250 ml (8.45 oz) bottles.

Liquitex Basics Fluid is great for covering large surfaces quickly, adding fine detail, and mixing with fluid mediums to do acrylic pours.

You can find these at many art stores or on Amazon below:

Liquitex Basics118 ml  
250 ml  
400 ml 
946 ml
4 oz  
8.5 oz  
13.53 oz 
32 oz
France / China
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
MediumGoodMediumSatinStudent – Best

I have used Liquitex Basics quite a bit. I use them in my Paint By Number Kits that I design and sell.

Coming out of the tube they have a great feel for being “Level 1” at Michaels. They hold their shape pretty well on the canvas.

The transparency test showed it was similar to many of the artist-level paints. I would classify it as the best of the student-level acrylic paints. I included it on the canvas with many Artist Level paints to show how it matches up.

It feels great on the brush and doesn’t feel cheap. 

Liquitex Basics Titanium White had similar tinting power to Artist’s Loft Level 1.

As mentioned before, I have used a lot of Liquitex Basics. I find them very vibrant and of great quality for the price.

It comes in 72 different colours in a few different sizes.

If you are looking for paint with decent texture to practice with, I would recommend Liquitex Basics over any other budget paint out there.

You can see all available colours on their website: https://www.liquitex.com/en-ca/collections/basics-acrylic-paints

Artist’s Loft Level 1120 ml  
250 ml
4.06 oz  
8.5 oz
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
Soft/Medium BodyOkay/GoodMediumSatinStudent – Good

Artist’s Loft Level 1 is the lowest tier in the art supplies section at Michaels. It is classified as “Student” grade paint and comes in 49 different colours.

Coming out of the tube the paint felt ok. I would classify it as soft/medium body paint. 

The transparency test wasn’t the worst but it wasn’t the best either.

The tinting power of Artist’s Loft Level 1 was actually quite impressive. It was similar to many artist-level paint.

Considering my other experiences with Artist’s Loft Level 1, I would say the same thing as I said with the craft paint. It is not as vibrant as I believe it should be. Though it is more vibrant than the craft paint, it is still not up to par with its main competitor Liquitex Basics. Even some of the Artist’s Loft Soft Body paints are more vibrant.

If you want a budget-friendly paint, I would choose Liquitex Basics over the Artist’s Loft Level 1.

See all available colours here: https://canada.michaels.com/en/acrylic-paint-by-artists-loft-4oz./M10134990.html

Art Noise120 ml
250 ml
500 ml
1000 ml
2000 ml
4 oz
8.45 oz
16.9 oz
33.4 oz
0.5 Gal.
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
FluidOkayMediumMatteStudent – Good

Art Noise was established in 2015 so it is a very new competitor to the market. It is a flagship retail outlet for Tri-Art. The Art Noise Acrylic Gouache is the only paint with the Art Noise label on it. This is the only acrylic gouache on the list that I am testing. The gouache gives it a matte finish. It is a student-grade paint that is great for teaching and trying out new things.

It performed as an average paint across the board for a student-level paint. If you are looking for a gouache paint that won’t break the bank, this would be one to consider. It is great for covering large spaces.

It is available in 50 colours.

Find all of their paints on their website: https://shop.artnoise.ca/collections/art-noise-acrylic-paint

Rheotech60 ml
150 ml
250 ml
500 ml
1000 ml
2 oz
5.06 oz
8.45 oz
16.9 oz
33.4 oz
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
Soft/MediumOkayMediumSatinStudent – Great

Rheotech is a full-bodied student-grade acrylic paint made in Canada. It boasts to be the best paint in its class. Giving professional results as a student grade paint. It has a creamy, workable consistency. 

Though classified as a “full-bodied” paint, I would call it a medium-bodied paint at best. Its pigment load and transparency test were on par with others in its class. There definitely wasn’t anything wrong with it and if you have it available locally, I would recommend trying it out!

Available in 71 colours.

Find all of their paints on their website: https://tri-artmfg.myshopify.com

Dacryl Professional Acrylic250 ml8.45 oz$14.99$0.06Canada
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
FluidOkayHighSatinProfessional – Good

Dacryl Professional Acrylic is another Canadian-made acrylic paint. These colours are loaded with pigment and don’t have any fillers or extenders in them. They dry to a natural gloss finish. Available in 69 different colours.

Though not top of my list for fluid paint, it offers a good quality for the price. It is much cheaper than Golden Fluid which I ranked at the top. If you want to try some fluid paint but don’t want to spend a lot at first, I would recommend trying Dacryl Professional Liquid acrylic paint.

Available through DeSerres website: https://www.deserres.ca/products/professional-liquid-acrylics?colour=white

Artist’s Loft Level 275 ml 
200 ml
2.54 oz 
6.76 oz
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
Medium BodyGoodMediumSatinArtist – Good

Artist’s Loft Level 2 is just that, a “Level 2” paint. It says medium viscosity on the bottle. 

Putting it onto the canvas, I wasn’t surprised that it was a little thinner than some other paints. It was thicker than Winsor and Newton Galleria paint. Being “medium viscosity” means that it isn’t super thick.

In my tests, the transparency and tinting power of the Artist’s Loft Level 2 paint seemed to be better than the Artist’s Loft Level 1. The brush strokes did remain more in this one than the level 1.

If you look at the price points, it really isn’t that much more expensive than Level 1. For the little extra texture, maybe that is worth it.

I don’t have much experience with other colours of Artist’s Loft Level 2 but the ones I have used are a bit more vibrant than Artist’s Loft Level 1.

It is available at Michael’s Art Stores in over 30 colours: https://canada.michaels.com/en/medium-viscosity-acrylic-paint-by-artists-loft-2.54oz/M10553367.html?dwvar_M10553367_size=2.54%20oz&dwvar_M10553367_color=Titanium%20White

Pebeo100 ml 
250 ml
3.38 oz 
8.45 oz
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
MediumOkay/GoodMediumSatinArtist – Good

This was my second time using Pébéo Studio. Coming out of the tube, it holds its shape fairly well. It was definitely thicker than Winsor and Newton. It says it has a satin finish and can be used for creating texture. I would argue that other paints are much better for creating texture. There are over 50 colour options.

It is very similar in price point to Winsor and Newton, Liquitex Basics, and Artist’s Loft Level 1. 

The transparency test was about what I expected. A little better than Winsor and Newton, and definitely better than Artist’s Loft Level 1.

Its mixing power was similar to that of Artist’s Loft Level 1 and Liquitex Basics.

I don’t have experience with other colours of this brand, but I have heard good things about it from other artists. I would place it alongside Liquitex Basics in quality.

Check out more on their website: https://en.pebeo.com

Winsor & Newton Galeria60 ml  
200 ml 
250 ml
2 oz 
6.75 oz 
8.4 oz
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
Soft/MediumGoodMediumSatinArtist – Better

Winsor and Newton paints are also among the lower-priced paints. Especially when you get the 200 ml size. It is considered “Level 2” or “Artist” level at Michaels. Winsor & Newton acrylic paint was actually the first set of paints that I bought myself after I stepped up from the lowest-end paint.

Their transparency test was good and the pigment load was good for its class. The price point of the 200 ml size is a good choice for the quality.

It comes in 57 different colours and various sizes.

Check out the Winsor & Newton website for more info and where to purchase: https://www.winsornewton.com/na/paint/acrylic/galeria-acrylic/

Grumbacher Academy90 ml  
150 ml
3 oz  
5.07 oz
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
Medium BodyBetterHighSatinArtist – Best

Rosa Gallery Acrylic60 ml2 oz$7.00$0.12Ukraine
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
Medium BodyGoodLow/MediumSatinArtist – Good

Rosa Gallery Artists’ Acrylics are developed and made in Ukraine. They are available in 56 colours.

The transparency was good but I found the mixing power to be lower than others in its class. Their price point puts them on par with many artist-level paints. I would recommend some others over Rosa Gallery though like Grumbacher and Winsor & Newton Galeria.

Available in Canada here: https://artmaterials.ca/product/rosa-gallery-acrylic-paints-60-ml/

Sennelier Abstract Heavy Body Acrylic120 ml
500 ml
4 oz
16.9 oz
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
Heavy BodyBetterMediumSatinArtist – Better

Made in France, Sennelier is the result of years of research by the Sennelier team. They believe it meets the stringent quality demands that put their paint top tier. It has a creamy-to-thick consistency.

There are 60 colours available. 34 are made from single pigments. 36 have a satin finish. 12 have a high gloss finish. 6 iridescent colours. 6 fluorescent colours.

I like their paint containers as it makes it quite easy to get all of the paint out. They do have a “professional” line as well but I haven’t tested it and it seems harder to find in North America.

I was quite surprised with how thick this paint was. Not only that, but the opacity level and tinting power were also very good. Its price range puts it more in the range of a student-level paint, but the quality is that of a better artist-grade paint. I am definitely going to be purchasing more of this paint to try out.

Available in many art stores and websites.

Stevenson60 ml 
250 ml
2 oz 
8.4 oz
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
Extra Heavy BodyBestHighSatinProfessional – Better

This was my second experience with Stevenson acrylic paint. It is classified as professional paint so that is how I was rating it.

Coming out of the tube, it was very thick. It held its shape better than all the others and was similar to Liquitex Heavy Body in that aspect.

After the transparency test, I was not disappointed. After just one layer, you couldn’t see the black underneath.

Its tinting power was similar to Golden, Artist’s Loft Level 3, and Grumbacher. Not bad but I expected slightly better.

For the price of the larger bottles, it is an amazing deal. The smaller bottles make it almost comparable to Golden and Liquitex Heavy Body. The only downside is that they are getting hard to find. Not many chains carry them and from what I read, the main producer closed down a few of years ago. If you can find these paints for a decent price, I would highly recommend them!

Artist’s Loft Level 359 ml 
148 ml
2 oz 
5 oz
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
Medium/Heavy BodyBetterMedium/HighSatinProfessional – Good

Artist’s Loft Level 3 is meant to be the professional-grade version of Michael’s acrylic paint. It has a high viscosity, which means it is meant to be a heavy body paint.

Coming out of the tube, it is definitely thicker than Artist’s Loft Levels 1 and 2. However, it isn’t as thick as Stevenson or Liquitex Heavy Body. It seemed similar but slightly thinner than Golden Heavy Body.

In terms of transparency, it beat its precursors and came close to Golden.

The tinting power was similar to Golden, Stevenson, and others.

The price of Artist’s Loft Level 3 is about two times the price of the Artist’s Loft Level 2, but still cheaper than other professional brands like Golden and Liquitex Heavy Body. I have used a few colours of Artist’s Loft Level 3 and wasn’t disappointed with the quality at all. Definitely one to consider if you are trying to save some money but stay with professional quality paint.

I’ve noticed at my local Michael’s store that they aren’t selling these paints individually anymore. They only sell them in packs with other colours.

You can find them here: https://canada.michaels.com/en/professional-acrylic-paint-mixing-set-by-artists-loft/10552983.html

Masterclass Artists Acrylic46 ml1.5 oz$7.99$0.17Russia
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
Heavy BodyGoodMediumSatinProfessional – Good

Masterclass Artists Acrylics have a heavy-body consistency that is suited for professional artists. They are manufactured by Nevskaya Palitra in Russia. They have a slower drying time than many competitors for a longer work time. 

I found the transparency to be average for heavy body paint. The tinting power didn’t seem quite as good as others. For the price point, I would recommend other professional heavy body paints.

Available in 48 colours. 

Available in Canada here: https://artmaterials.ca/product/masterclass-artist-acrylic-46-ml/

Amsterdam Standard Series20 ml
120 ml
0.7 oz
4 oz
$11.50 – $14.50
$0.10 – $0.12
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
Medium BodyGoodMedium/HighSatinArtist – Good

Amsterdam was founded in 1976 in Apeldoorn. They started with many different types of art products but in 2006 decided to focus and specialize just in acrylic paint. They offer acrylic paints as spray paint, markers, ink, different mediums to add to acrylics, and a variety of levelled acrylic paints. 

The standard series is a medium-viscosity paint that is filled with high-grade pigments.

The standard series of acrylics that we are testing here are available in 90 colours. Their expert series is available in 70 colours.

Amsterdam Standard Series is a decent artist-level paint. I had heard some raving reviews about it so was really interested in testing it. I found the tinting power to be good for this level of paint. The transparency wasn’t anything special though. I might use this over Winsor & Newton Galeria but not over Grumbacher Academy.

You can find it in many art stores or on Amazon here:

Here is their website: https://www.amsterdam-acrylics.com/en/about-amsterdam/

Golden Open59 ml2 oz$13.50$0.23New York
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
Medium BodyBetterHighSatinProfessional – Better

Golden Open series acrylics are slow-drying paints that also have a softer consistency than their heavy body paints. The name “Open” refers to their ability to stay workable for much longer than the usual acrylic paint allowing for more traditional techniques only possible with oils. They can be mixed with other acrylic paint but the drying time will then be faster. 

They boast the ability of the paint to stay wet for weeks on covered palettes or sealed containers. The idea is that it would then help you waste less paint. 

There are 80 colours available in this line of paints that come in 59 ml (2 oz.)

I found the thickness of this paint to be more of a medium body. Its transparency and tinting power were just slightly below their heavy body line. The increased drying time is very nice to work with. It is a more expensive paint but worth it if you want an increased drying time without having to add any extenders or retarders yourself.

It is available at many art stores but can be found on Amazon as well:

Golden SoFlat59 ml
473 ml
2 oz
16 oz
$13.99 – $31.99
$0.24 – $0.54
New York
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
Fluid/Soft BodyBestHighMatteProfessional – Better

Golden SoFlat acrylic paint offers the matte finish and opacity of gouache paint with the benefits of acrylic paint of mixing with mediums, solid coverage, and more. SoFlat has a flowing consistency that is made for solid coverage on your canvas. It has great levelling capabilities to create intense colour coats. These acrylic paints are more opaque than traditional acrylic paints. This means many of the usual transparent colours will be more opaque when used.

It is available in 60 colours in 2, 4, and 16 oz. Jars.

These paints are available at many art stores but can be found on Amazon as well:

Golden Heavy Body59 ml
148 ml
2 oz  
5 oz
New York
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
Heavy BodyBestHighSatinProfessional – Best

Golden heavy-body acrylic paint. I have used Golden paint for many years now and do like the feel and quality.

Coming out of the tube, it is thick but not as thick as Stevenson or Liquitex Heavy Body. On the brush, you can feel the texture and quality.

The transparency test resulted in it being one of the most opaque.

The tinting power was also one of the best.

As you can see, some of the results show that it really isn’t that much better than some of the other “professional” paints. Long-term results may show something different, however, this is also a pat on the back to Artist’s Loft Level 3 and others like Stevenson. It almost comes down to reliability and community respect. Golden has been a respected producer of high-quality acrylic paint for a very long time and this is why it is so trusted and used by many artists.

It isn’t cheap, being tied with Liquitex Heavy Body for the price of most colours. So I think a lot of it comes to personal preference. If you like a more fluid heavy body paint, Golden is the way to go. If you want more texture, Liquitex Heavy Body is the way to go in my opinion. 

You can find this at almost every art store for purchase.

Liquitex Heavy Body59 ml 
138 ml
2 oz 
4.65 oz
France / China
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
Extra Heavy BodyBestHighSatinProfessional – Best

Winsor and Newton Professional60 ml2 oz$12.29$0.20France
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
Heavy BodyBestHighSatinProfessional – Best

Originally founded in 1832 by William Winsor and Henry Newton, Winsor and Newton’s art products have been a staple in the art society for over a century. Using the latest resin technology, Winsor and Newton Professional Acrylics claim to have no colour shift when drying. Boasting amazing opacity, viscosity, and specific gravity, these acrylic paints are at the top of the list. 

I was very impressed with this paint. In my opinion, the Winsor & Newton Professional is the best heavy-body acrylic paint. It had the highest opacity rating, was a great thickness, and was right up there in terms of mixing power.

Available in 80 colours.

200 ml and 237 ml available on their website: https://www.winsornewton.com/na/paint/acrylic/professional-acrylic/#product-info-colours

Old Holland New Masters Acrylic60 ml2 ozFrom: 
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
Heavy BodyBestHighSatinProfessional – Better

Old Holland New Masters Acrylic Paint has high light-fastness, the same colour strength and intensity as their oil colours, and a very high viscosity and pigment load.

They established themselves in 1664 in the Netherlands. Many of the same recipes are used today just with new technologies as things have advanced.

Comes in 168 colours.

Old Holland is a quality heavy body paint. Its transparency was very good and mixing power was also very good. Both seemed slightly worse than Winsor & Newton Professional but very similar to Golden. It is a bit more expensive than many other professional acrylic paint lines though so that needs to be taken into consideration.

Available in Canada here: https://artmaterials.ca/product/old-holland-new-masters-acrylic-paints/

Or check out their website here: https://www.oldholland.com

Holbein Heavy Body60 ml
330 ml
2 oz
11.1 oz
$11 +
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
Heavy BodyBetterHighSatinProfessional – Better

Holbein acrylic paints are named after the famous European painter Hans Holbein. The paints are currently made in Japan but with distribution across Southeast Asia, North America, Australia, and Europe.

I’ve seen prices for these paints vary by quite a bit depending on where you find them. These prices were from a main art supply store in Canada.

The transparency for Holbein wasn’t quite as good as some others but the pigment load seemed high. It is similar in price to Golden and Liquitex Heavy Body paints. Its consistency was similar to that of Golden.

You can read all about their paint here: https://holbeinartistmaterials.com/about-us/

Tri-Art High Viscosity60 ml
250 ml
500 ml
1000 ml
2 oz
8.45 oz
16.9 oz
33.4 oz
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
Heavy BodyBetterHighSatinProfessional – Better

Tri-Art High Viscosity acrylic paint is Canadian-made just for artists. It has high pigment loading, high-quality pigments, high solids content for tensile strength, and high viscosity for a thick buttery consistency.

The viscosity of Tri-Art High Viscosity paint is similar to that of Golden Heavy Body. The transparency was good but not as good as some other heavy body paints. The tinting power was excellent and earned itself the top position in that category. In higher quantities, this professional paint is actually a great deal and can be much cheaper than other brands. If you have it in your area, this is definitely one to consider.

Available throughout various art stores in Canada and the Tri-Art website directly: https://tri-artmfg.myshopify.com/collections/high-viscosity

Tri-Art Liquids60 ml
120 ml
250 ml
500 ml
1000 ml
2 oz
4 oz
8.45 oz
16.9 oz
33.4 oz
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
FluidGoodHighSatinProfessional – Good

Tri-Art liquid acrylic paints have a lotion-like consistency that is perfect for mixing. Loaded with the highest quality pigments, these paints are made for professional artists.

When comparing these with other fluid paints, I found them to be middle of the pack in terms of quality. They weren’t as good as Golden Fluid but were better than Liquitex Basics Fluid and Dacryl Professional Fluid. However, the price of these is much more favourable than Golden.

It comes in 103 colours in a variety of sizes.

Find all of their paints on their website: https://tri-artmfg.myshopify.com/collections/liquid-acrylics

Liquitex Soft Body60 ml2 oz$9.99$0.17France / China
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
Fluid/Soft BodyBetterHighSatinProfessional – Better

Golden Fluid30 ml
118 ml
1 oz
4 oz
$10.99 – $17.50
$25.99 – $45.99
$0.37 –  $0.58
$0.22 – $0.39
New York
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
FluidGreatHighSatinProfessional – Best

Golden Fluid Acrylic Paint has the same intensity as the Golden Heavy Body Acrylics but with a more flowing consistency. It is thicker than the High Flow Acrylics but still suitable for spraying. It can be combined with an Airbrush Medium to help with flow. You can use it for fine details, pouring, and more.

I found the Golden Fluid to be the highest quality of fluid acrylic paint there is. It has the best opacity and best mixing power of fluid paints. However, the price point is the highest as well.

The Golden Fluids blend easily with other acrylic paints, gels, mediums, gessoes, and more. 

They come in over 93 different colours.

Golden High Flow30 ml1 oz$9.99-$15.99$0.33 – $0.53New York
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
Ink-likeGoodHighSatinProfessional – Better

Golden High Flow Acrylic Paint is an ultra-thin acrylic paint that has an ink-like consistency. These paints can be used for airbrushes, refillable markers, dip pens, or just as a standalone paint itself. It is filled with high-quality Golden pigment that it uses with all of its paints.

Out of the two high-flow paints that I tested, Golden definitely had a better transparency and pigment load.

For more info, instructions for using, and more, check out this article on the Golden website: https://www.goldenpaints.com/technicalinfo/technicalinfo_highflow

It comes in 86 different colours.

Find them at your local art store or on Amazon below:

Tri-Art Low Viscosity34 ml1.2 ozFrom: 
ViscosityTransparencyPigment LoadFinishOverall Quality
Ink-likePoorPoorSatinArtist – Low

Tri-Art Low Viscosity paint is a water-like flowing paint. This allows for fine strokes and easy detail work. You can use it for fine brushwork, large washes, glazing, and airbrush applications.

I expected a similar result to the Golden High-Flow but was a little disappointed. It didn’t leave much of a trace on the canvas and didn’t tint the magenta very well at all. Though the price is much lower, I would recommend Golden High-Flow.

It comes in 72 different colours.

See all of the colours and read more on their website: https://tri-artmfg.myshopify.com/collections/low-viscosity-acrylics

Acrylic Paints Not Tested But Worth Looking At

Utrecht Studio Series237 ml
473 ml
946 ml
8 oz
16 oz
32 oz

Utrecht Studio Series Acrylic Paints are made with the same pigments and binders as the artist-quality Utrecht paints but their medium viscosity formula makes them more economical. Great for educators, students, and budget-friendly artists. They are also made in the U.S.A.

Available in 32 colours.

Read more about them here: https://www.utrechtart.com/about/

Blick Studio120 ml
237 ml
473 ml
4 oz
8 oz
16 oz

Blick Studio Acrylic Paints are great for students, hobbyists, and professionals on a budget. They are produced with the same process as professional paints which gives them a great consistency and texture. It is made in Mauritius.

Read more about them here: https://www.dickblick.com/about-blick/

Chroma Atelier Interactive Arts80 ml
250 ml
2.7 oz
8.5 oz
USA / Australia

Chroma was founded in 1965 by the artist Jim Cobb. Chroma Atelier Interactive Artists’ Acrylics are unique because they dry very gradually not creating a film on top. There is a minimal colour shift when they dry. This paint has a smooth, buttery consistency and it dries to a satin finish. You can use the Atelier Unlocking Formula to reopen and rework touch-dry sections even days later.

It comes in 83 colours.

They are based in the U.S. and Australia.

Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/3LIjuGY

Amazon US: https://amzn.to/3PIUuRl

Read more about them here: https://chromaonline.com

Blick Artists’59 ml
138 ml
237 ml
2 oz
4.65 oz
8 oz

These acrylics are said to have outstanding pigment strength, good-to-excellent lightfast ratings, and high viscosity. They are made in the U.S.A.

Read more about them here: https://www.dickblick.com/about-blick/

Utrecht Artists’59 ml
150 ml
473 ml
2 oz
5 oz
16 oz

Utrecht Artists’ Acrylic Colors have a buttery texture and are made from 100% pure acrylic polymer. They have been around since 1949 and are made in the U.S.A.

Read more about Utrecht here: https://www.utrechtart.com/about/

Sennelier Extra-Fine Artist Acrylics60 ml2 ozFrom: 

French-made, Sennelier was the supplier to Monet, Gauguin, and Picasso. These modern acrylics mimic the qualities of oil paints. Only the highest quality pigments are used.

They come in a variety of 120 colours.

Read more about them here: http://www.sennelier-colors.com

M. Graham Acrylics59 ml
150 ml
2 oz
5 oz
Oregon, USA

Founded 25 years ago in Oregon, M. Graham creates high-quality acrylic paints. They say their acrylic stays open longer than other traditional acrylics to increase your work time. Being similar in price to other top acrylics, they could be worth a shot. From reading many Amazon reviews, it sounds like they are really high-quality paints.

It was out of stock when I was making this video. Hopefully, they are back in stock if you want to try them.

Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/3LGgM4L

Amazon US: https://amzn.to/3tmknP8

Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3tgNoMp

Here is their website: https://mgraham.com/artists-colors/acrylics/

Schmincke Primacryl Finest Artists’ Acrylics60 ml2 ozFrom: 

These are said to exceed even the most rigorous professional expectations. The Titanium White in particular is supposedly unparalleled for its opacity, mixing capabilities, and covering power. 

They have other varieties of acrylic paints on their website as well, which you can check out.

Website: https://www.schmincke.de/en.html

Lascaux Artist Acrylics45 ml
750 ml
1.5 oz
25 oz

Lascaux paints are made in Switzerland where they have been based since 1963. They are intensely pigmented with extraordinary lightfast ratings. They are made to have the body and texture of fine oils, including an oil-like viscosity that allows the full range of traditional painting techniques. 

Read more about them here: https://lascaux.ch/en/about-us

Awards and Recognition

  1. Dacryl Kolegial
  2. Winsor & Newton Professional
  3. Stevenson

  1. Winsor & Newton Professional
  2. Golden Heavy Body
  3. Stevenson/Liquitex Heavy Body

  1. Tri-Art High Viscosity
  2. Stevenson
  3. Holbein

  1. Sennelier
  2. Dacryl Kolegial
  3. Apple Barrell

  1. Artist’s Loft Soft Body
  2. Mont Marte
  3. Meeden

  1. Golden Fluid
  2. Liquitex Soft Body
  3. Dacryl Professional Liquid

  1. Liquitex Basics
  2. Colours
  3. Sennelier Abstract
  4. Grumbacher/Winsor & Newton Galeria

  1. Grumbacher Academy
  2. Golden Open
  3. Winsor & Newton Professional

  1. Artist’s Loft Soft Body
  2. DecoArt Craft Paint
  3. Meeden Acrylic Paint

  1. Old Holland New Masters
  2. Golden SoFlat
  3. Golden Open

  1. Nicpro
  2. Tri-Art Low Viscosity
  3. Craft Paints

  1. Golden
  2. Liquitex
  3. Winsor & Newton

  1. Golden Open
  2. Golden SoFlat
  3. Dacryl Kolegial

  1. Winsor & Newton Professional
  2. Sennelier
  3. Grumbacher
  4. Golden Open

4 thoughts on “What Acrylic Paint is Best? – Comparing 50 Acrylic Paints – The Ultimate Acrylic Paint Guide”

  • Absolutely brilliant piece of research. Thank you for the time and effort that took 🙏. Best wishes from Austria🙏

  • Golden Open – “Its transparency and tinting power were just slightly below their heavy body line.”. That’s not true, I have it and it’s a lot lower pigmentation than heavy body, quite transparent paints. People in forums were complaining about it and mixing it with heavy body to get it to a workable condition. Unless formula was changed recently, as my info is about 5-10 years old paint.
    For the rest of paints I know, descriptions are pretty accurate.

  • For heavy body I have used Daler Rowney Cryla; try it, you may ditch W/N. If you can get them, try Vallejo acrilico and Ara, good pigment load. I only use single pigment paints, so many of these I wouldn’t consider. Schmincke is a very good paint and Lascaux I find over-priced. More generally, as manufacturers don’t provide quantitative information on pigment load, and limited info on pigment codes, it is hard to calculate a value for money result, but your price per ml is a good approach to getting a sense of that. Nice work.

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