Moraine Lake Step By Step Painting Tutorial – Vermillion Virtual Reality

Welcome to my virtual studio in Vermillion! Today we will be doing a Moraine Lake painting tutorial. I am using an Oculus Quest 2, but you can use any VR headset with Vermillion available.

Moraine Lake is found in Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada. It is one of the most famous lakes in all of Canada and perhaps even the world. The beautiful mountains that overlook the turquoise-coloured water are iconic.

In this tutorial, I hope to teach you about painting this scene and how to paint mountains, reflections, and some trees. Many of the techniques can be carried over to traditional painting as well. I will also show you how to use the projector feature, ruler, and a few other things on Vermillion.

If you have any questions while painting, feel free to comment below and I’ll do my best to answer you as soon as possible!

Here is the link to my playlist where you can find all of my step-by-step tutorials on Vermillion:

Here is the Vermillion website if you want to read more about the app:

If you don’t have an Oculus and would like to get Vermillion for free, use my referral code and you’ll get $35 (which is more than the app even is). Here is my code if you would like to use it:

If you enjoyed this video and want to help me to continue to make these types of videos, please consider donating to the cause:

Here is my Patreon link:

Thank you for joining me for this Moraine Lake Painting Tutorial. If you are interested in a Moraine Lake painting tutorial that uses acrylic paint in real life, just click on the image below:

Don’t forget to give a thumbs up and subscribe!

Here is the final painting image for the Moraine Lake Painting Tutorial if you want to use that instead of the actual reference image below!

Here is the reference image for the Moraine Lake Painting Tutorial:

Reference Photo - Lake Moraine Brian Sloan Artist

Check out my other tutorials on Vermillion below!

Brian Sloan Artist painting a Bob Ross painting in Virtual Reality with an Oculus Headset
Step by step painting tutorial on Vermillion by Brian Sloan Artist using an Oculus
How to paint a fox tutorial by Brian Sloan Artist in Virtual Reality using Vermillion on an Oculus Quest 2
Brian Sloan Artist paint a seascape boat scene in virtual reality using Vermillion on an Oculus Quest 2

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